It is important that pharmacies sign up to the new contract to ensure continuity of services.
The process for signing up will differ for independent pharmacies and some multiples.
For independents
You will need to logon to PharmOutcomes where you will see a module called
‘PSNE Pharmacy Services Contract 2022'
Pharmacies will need to follow the instructions within that module. You will be asked to download the main contract as well as the service specifications followed by a submission via pharmoutcomes.
For the following multiples
(Boots, Lloyds, Well Bestway, Rowlands, Tesco, Asda, Superdrug, Morrisons, Cohens, Intrahealth, Avicenna, Whitworrths)
PSNE will be directly contacting your Head Offices / Regional Management to arrange contracting.
Should you have any queries regarding the Pharmoutcomes platform please don't hesitate to contact me. ([email protected]) .
If you have any queries about the contract please contact [email protected]
UTI PGD Service (Pilot)
Please note this contract also contains the new UTI PGD service (Pilot). This innovative service is available across the ICS area of North East and North Cumbria and we would encourage all to participate in this service. There is a resource page to help facilitate the service.
This can be found at