RPS Event - Up to date: Finding information, CPD into Revalidation, Research - 30th April 201415/4/2014 The Royal Pharmaceutical Society North East Pharmacy Forum is putting on an event about Finding Information, CPD to Revalidation & Research which is open to Pharmacists and Pre-Reg's. It is a free event and you do not need to be a member of the RPS to attend. Details of the event are below including a link to book yourself on direct. Any queries regarding this event should be directed to the RPS North East Pharmacy Forum. Up to date: Finding information, CPD into Revalidation, Research The RPS North East Pharmacy Forum is helping you to stay up to date:
WHY should I attend? We all need access to high quality information for clinical care of our patients and for CPD, revalidation is now on the horizon, and increasingly pharmacists are being encouraged to start exploring what research questions need to be answered and how practice research in pharmacies might answer these. This event will support you in your everyday practice as well as looking at how you might develop your practice in the future. WHEN and WHERE is this event? Date: Wednesday 30th April Time: 6.30pm buffet for 7.30pm start Venue: Quality Hotel, Witney Way, Boldon, Tyne and Wear, NE35 9PE To book a place, please email [email protected] or book via the NEPF webpage: http://www.rpharms.com/northern-england/north-east.asp or ring/text 07525 750971 North East Pharmacy Forum is grateful to the following companies for educational sponsorship to facilitate this meeting: Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd AstraZeneca Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd Lilly UK Novo Nordisk Takeda UK Ltd Teva UK Limited
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