![]() A Substance Misuse Shared Care Pharmacy Eduction Event has been arranged for Wednesday 8th October 2014 at Quality Hotel - East Boldon. The meeting is open to all Pharmacists and their staff involved in substance misuse. This event will look at pathways for alcohol clients. - alcohol detox - the pathways for home and inpatient detox programmes. - We have also identified a couple of service users who would be happy to attend to talk about their experiences. - look at the issues around dispensing for clients with co-dependency to alcohol and opiates and the dilemmas that occur with this client group. The event will start at 6.30pm with Food & Drink Available from 6pm. You can book using the booking form below. Quality Hotel - East Boldon - Wednesday 8th October 2014
![]() Gateshead & South Tyneside LPC have arranged CPD Event on Bowel Disease. Dr Simon Panter (Consultant Gastroenterlogist, South Tyneside Hospital) will provide a talk followed by a talk on mesalazine therapy adherance from Iain Lovelace (Ferring Medical). Following the CPD part of the meeting there will be a talk about a new MUR + service that has arranged by LPC in partnership with Ferring that is available to Pharmacies in Gateshead & South Tyneside. The CPD event is open to Pharmacist and staff in ALL areas however the MUR + Service will be open to pharmacies in Gateshead & South Tyneside areas only. Food and Drink will be available from 6pm with the meeting starting at 6.30pm. A copy of the agenda for the meeting is below alongside a booking form to book for the event. Booking Form
![]() The LPC have arranged a Mental Health Training evening. The evening will have 2 speakers and will cover Mental Health First Aid and Dementia. Kathryn Sumner - CBT Therapist Talking Therapies - Mental health First Aid Inspector Ken Crossley - (Missing People) Jenny Graham - Community Pharmacist & Dementia Friends Trainer This training is of benefit to all who work in pharmacies, especially the frontline staff, so we urge the whole team to attend. The training will take place on Thursday 11th September, at The Quality Hotel, Boldon, 6pm for light buffet and 6.30pm start, the training should last approx. 2hours, with an opportunity for Questions and Answers. Following attendance at the training all delegates will be awarded 'dementia friend status', if they are happy to accept this. you may have seen the National publicity around this campaign. https://www.dementiafriends.org.uk Please book onto this session asap using the form below, as limited spaces. The LPC is holding its committee meeting just prior to this event and will be staying on for the Mental health training so it will also be an opportunity for you to meet the committee members. ![]() We have been asked to let Gateshead Pharmacists know that the Gateshead Substance Misuse Service, Shared Care Event which had been planned for Tuesday 15th July 2014 at the Angel View Inn has been cancelled? Should you need any further details about this please contact Susan Gray. Details below. Susan Gray Administration Assistant South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust Based at Substance Misuse Service Keegan Court Wirralshir Leam Lane Estate Gateshead NE10 8DX Tel : 0191 443 8141 Fax : 0191 443 8148 DD: 0191 443 8140 E-mail : [email protected] The LPC has been asked to advertise the following event below to Pharmacists in Gateshead and Newcastle CCG area.
If you are interested please follow the details in the flyer. Any queries about this event should be directed to Stephen Down of the Newcastle Gateshead CCG Alliance. Contact details below. ![]() The LPC has worked jointly with B-D, Diabetes UK and Sanofi to put on a CPD training workshop for pharmacists and their staff on Diabetes. The workshop is will give you a CPD update on diabetes as well as training on Injection technique and Key tips for MURs with diabetic patients. It is open to all pharmacists and their staff members. The workshop will take place on the 21st May 2014 at quality Hotel East Boldon. The meeting will start at 6.30pm. Food and drink will be available from 6pm. You can book onto the event by filling in the registration form below. RPS Event - Up to date: Finding information, CPD into Revalidation, Research - 30th April 201415/4/2014 The Royal Pharmaceutical Society North East Pharmacy Forum is putting on an event about Finding Information, CPD to Revalidation & Research which is open to Pharmacists and Pre-Reg's. It is a free event and you do not need to be a member of the RPS to attend. Details of the event are below including a link to book yourself on direct. Any queries regarding this event should be directed to the RPS North East Pharmacy Forum. Up to date: Finding information, CPD into Revalidation, Research The RPS North East Pharmacy Forum is helping you to stay up to date:
WHY should I attend? We all need access to high quality information for clinical care of our patients and for CPD, revalidation is now on the horizon, and increasingly pharmacists are being encouraged to start exploring what research questions need to be answered and how practice research in pharmacies might answer these. This event will support you in your everyday practice as well as looking at how you might develop your practice in the future. WHEN and WHERE is this event? Date: Wednesday 30th April Time: 6.30pm buffet for 7.30pm start Venue: Quality Hotel, Witney Way, Boldon, Tyne and Wear, NE35 9PE To book a place, please email [email protected] or book via the NEPF webpage: http://www.rpharms.com/northern-england/north-east.asp or ring/text 07525 750971 North East Pharmacy Forum is grateful to the following companies for educational sponsorship to facilitate this meeting: Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd AstraZeneca Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd Lilly UK Novo Nordisk Takeda UK Ltd Teva UK Limited The Royal Pharmaceutical Society North East Pharmacy Forum is putting on an event about Ethical Dilemmas which is open to Pharmacists and Pre-Reg's. It is a free event and you do not need to be a member of the RPS to attend. Details of the event are below including a link to book yourself on direct. Any queries regarding this event should be directed to the RPS North East Pharmacy Forum. Thursday 10th April 6.30pm for 7.30pm start Ethical Dilemmas An Ethical Dilemma often puts you in the position of conflict between your moral and legal obligations. There’s no real easy answer to these dilemmas, however as a pharmacist we must make a decision in the best interests of your patient– that’s what being a professional is all about! You might need to stand up in court and say “I made this decision, which I believed, as a professional, was in the best interests of the patient…..” Come along to compare and contrast your view with colleagues as to the best way to approach certain scenarios. Reflecting about actions you would take, or indeed have taken in the past, may change your views and inform your future practice. All scenarios have been considered so that they are applicable regardless of the sector of the profession in which you work. This event is also being held on 1st April - Holiday Inn Hotel, Great North Road, Seaton Burn, to enable members in different work/home locations to attend a convenient session. This event is open to everyone – RPS members as well as non-members Please book using the following link: http://www.rpharms.com/events-calendar/event/196/ethical-dilemmas Venue: Middlesborough Teaching and Learning Centre, Cargo Fleet Lane, Middlesborough, TS3 8PE Food and refreshments available from 6.30pm Event - Medicines Management to Medicines Optimisation - the Journey Continues - 7 May 201418/3/2014 ![]() Janette Stephenson (Head of Medicines Optimisation - North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) has asked us to forward the flyer below to Pharmacies about a conference she is organising. The conference is primarily aimed at CCG leads and those with a particular interest in medicines optimisation and is open to to all pharmacists too. If you are interested in attending please follow the details in the flyer. |
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