![]() Gateshead Council are working on new the PNA (Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment) for Gateshaed. The PNA is an improtant document for pharmacy contractors as it it is used to plan services and inform pharmacy contract applications. It is very important that the council have accurate information about pharmacies in the area to ensure an accurate PNA is produced. Each Pharmacy must provide this information to the council and to make this easier they are collecting it electronically via PHARMOUTOCMES. A new module should now be available for you to fill. This will be located with all the there services when you log in. Please make sure you fill this in for your pharmacy. If you feel you are unable to fill this in for your pharmacy please make sure your manager / area manager / owner is aware of this email and the need to fill in this questionaire. The council have asked this to be done in the next 2 weeks so the deadline is 30th July however we would encourage you to do this straight away and not leave it to the last minute. Please Note this is for Gateshead contractors only. South Tyneside council will be working on their PNA separately and we will communicate about this in due course. Patient Questionnaire As part of the PNA the council would like to gauge public opinion. They are doing this via a number of routes and have asked if Pharmacies will be willing to print 10 of the questionaires below and put them on the counter. The questionnaires can either be posted back to the council via the address below or entered via the web address. www.gateshead.gov.uk/consultationsnew Matt Liddle, Chief Executives Dept, Gateshead Council, Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HH. ![]()
![]() It's with incredible sadness that the LPC announces the passing of Bill Darling FRPharmS. Bill passed away this Wednesday evening after a short illness. Our Chairman Dave Carter, said “Bill Darling was a true giant in the profession of pharmacy and in the NHS generally. I have known him personally my entire life as he used to sit next to my late father in lab classes at the then Sunderland Technical College (now Sunderland University) in the early 1950s where they studied pharmacy and became life-long friends. On qualifying as a pharmacist, he took over the running of the family pharmacy business and pursued a political career. He was quickly elected to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain’s Council and became the youngest ever president. He continued to serve on the Council over the next 50 years. In addition he held numerous other roles nationally and locally during his long career - including recently in the 1990s as chairman of South Tyneside and Gateshead Health Authority, Chairman of the NHS Counter Fraud Service and chairman of governors at the University of Sunderland. He was rightly awarded CBE for his services, and was commissioned as a Deputy Lieutenant by The Lord Lieutenant, in 2000. He will be greatly missed, and will be a huge loss to the profession he loved. Our thoughts are with his wife Ann, and children Ian & Paul at this incredibly sad time” EVENT CANCELLED
Due to a low uptake of people signing up to the LPC arranged HLP training we have taken the decision to cancel the event. People who have registered and paid will be contacted to discuss options and refunds. We are working to understand the demand for such an event in the future. In order to help guide us we would appreciate some feedback from you. We have put together a brief questionnaire. We ask that as many people fill this in to give us to give us valuable information that can help inform our support. The questionnaire can be accessed HERE. Our earlier communication about HLP I can be found here. |
Copies of our older Paper Based News Letters (The LPC News) can be found by clicking below.