The LPN Chairs, Andre Young and Mike Maguire have been working accross the country to increase the uptake of eRD. They have worked heavily with GP's to increase awareness of eRD and how to use it. They have asked us to send out the information below to help highlight the benefit to Community Pharmacy. Alongside this they are putting on a webinar for Community Pharmacists. Details and links are also below. Community Pharmacy Webinar "Maximising eRD benefits for my Community Pharmacy" The same webinar will be run on two occasions to allow contractors a choice of when they would like to view the webinar: Please use the linksbelow to access the webinar whihc will be run via Mircosoft Teams.
- The event will last 40 minutes. - Please join 5 minutes before the start to ensure you get set up in time for the start. - To ensure you get a good connection please close any unneeded background applications that may use your broadband connection. - To ensure the event runs to time there will not be a live Q&A however you can email [email protected] with any questions and these will be answered by the hosts. - A recording of the event will be available. - Feel free to tweet during the webinar using the hashtag #NorthernERD.
![]() As you will no doubt have heard the residents of the North East have now had some new Lock Down restrictions placed on them. This went into force as of midnight last night. We have been informed that it is likely that local councils may start up local delivery services again for medicines. Also the advanced service for deliveries should also be switched on for our area. PSNC have not confirmed this yet however we would advise to keep an eye on their website to see details of this being restarted in light of the local restrictions. Following a meeting with STARS (in South Tyneside), and a discussion with Gateshead Council, the LPC has agreed that methadone/buprenorphine supervision services will restart from 1st October. You may have already seen some communications about this from your commissioner.
Contractors will begin seeing prescriptions this month, as clients are reviewed and allocated back to supervisions or otherwise. In some cases the supervision regimen will be the same as previously (pre-COVID-19), but in the majority of cases there may be changes due to the review based on a client risk assessment. The LPC urges contractors to contact STARS or CGL if circumstances change within your pharmacy following a risk assessment, and you are unable to offer supervision services. ![]() Contractors may be interested to know that the LPC is discussing with EHC service commissioners the idea that e-learning which will replace some of the more traditional evening meetings as part of the necessary training obligations required for the service. We will update you as soon as we have more information on the format of the training. We are also hoping that capacity will be much higher than before enabling more people to attend. South Tyneside Adult Recovery Service (STARS) is looking to recruit pharmacies to offer a needle exchange service in the South Tyneside area. If you are interested in offering the service or wish to discuss any details further please contact Melanie Scott on
07584 681 852 or [email protected] ![]() This year we have a unique challenge managing our pharmacy flu service alongside COVID. The LPC is working closely with CCG's and councils - covering all health and social care - and the message is: "there is no wrong place to have your flu jab", it has to be "one big flu team" across our patch, which means pharmacy and general practice working well with each other like never before. This is because there are enhanced targets to 75% for at risk groups, a massive anticipated increased demand due to Covid19, and the expectation that 100% of all health and social care staff will be vaccinated. This means that there will be much more pressure on the service along with social distancing, PPE and infection control measures to consider. We have recently sent a PPE message via our newsfeed. This can be summarised as needing to wear a sessional facemask and good hand hygiene between patients. You do not need single use PPE items for every patient. It is also important to have good infection control measures in place, such as, spraying/wiping down your work surfaces and door handles between patients. Thinking about offering flu clinics, suggestions from the LPC would be:
Please see the message below from David Carter, Gateshead & South Tyneside LPC Chairman.
Copies of our older Paper Based News Letters (The LPC News) can be found by clicking below.