With all the drug shortages at the moment pharmacists are finding that they have to get in touch more and more with the GP practices to discuss the need for an alternative and some times the alternatives are also unavailable. Understandably this has led to frustration with GP's and patients alike. Having discussed the issue with our GP colleagues they have expressed that it would be useful to know what the pharmacy has available when they receive requests for alternative treatments. So as a consequence and In order to minimise disruption to patient care, where possible please let the surgery know availability of suitable alternatives when you contact them. Don't Forget to Report to PSNC Don't forget if you have a problem with with prices or shortages please let the PSNC know via their web form . This will give PSNC the data they need when they are negotiating with the department of health. The forms can be found on the concession price page on the PSNC website. http://psnc.org.uk/dispensing-supply/supply-chain/generic-shortages/ Please note: - Only use the web form, do not contact the PSNC by telephone as this delays the process. Please use the website. Pharmacy Poster / Flyer Resource Pharmacies may also find the flyer below useful to put up in the pharmacy or to hand out to patients. It helps to explain some of the problems to patients. If you can not see the image below you can download a copy by clicking here.
The LPC would like to remind contractors of their safeguarding responsibilities.
The QP scheme helped to ensure that all GPHC registered staff were trained to Level 2 in Safeguarding however it has come to our attention that some non-registered staff may not have had training in safeguarding. It is equally as important that all members of staff are aware of at least basic safeguarding requirements & are confident to deal with any potential scenarios. Free training materials for staff are available at NHS Health Education England website. You can access it by clicking here. You will need to register but this free. NHS England has also produced a handy pocket-sized information leaflet which can be used as a guide by staff. A copy of it is shown below however if your email does not display it you can download it by clicking here. The LPC has been working closely with South Tyneside Health Collaboration (The South Tyneside GP Collaboration) and have secured some funding to allow community pharmacists to run small workshops alongside the family GP at lunchtime sessions within local GP Practices. These workshops aim to deliver basic health education, support, sign posting and local health information to new parents. The role of the pharmacist will be to discuss and promote the access to the Think Pharmacy First Minor ailments scheme, as well introducing them to what pharmacy can offer new parents in the community such as answering questions about rashes, childhood vaccines and common ailment etc. Things we do on a day to day basis. The GP's are encouraging their patients to visit local Pharmacies first and this is a message we are keen to support. We envisage the workshops to last approx 1 hour and will be delivered on a lunch time session throughout September and October. There will payment made for each pharmacist attending a session. If you are interested and want more information please contact our secretary Louise The LPC have set up a Facebook Group to aid communications between Pharmacies and staff to help share best practices, resources and ideas around Healthy Living Pharmacies. Sharing ideas will help you to increase your portfolio of evidence which will help with you QP declarations. The group is open to any one in the pharmacy including Pharmacist's, Staff and and in particular your Health Champions. You can access it by searching for Healthy Living Pharmacy News - G&ST LPC. within facebook and requesting to join. The group is a closed group and will be moderated by our secretary Louise Lydon. At the time of joining please send Louise a message via facebook or email to let her know which pharmacy you work in so she can approve your membership. Once you have joined we would encourage you to upload any photos showing your displays and message about what has worked well within your pharmacy. |
Copies of our older Paper Based News Letters (The LPC News) can be found by clicking below.