CPPE are running a Healthy Living Pharmacy Leadership workshop on the 20th Oct in Gateshead and there are still some places available.
This is an opportunity for community pharmacists to explore the challenges and rewards of leadership and inspire them to develop their leadership skills and behaviours.
The learning objectives for this workshop are:
-To evaluate local health data and use it to plan pharmacy services.
-Assess your leadership strengths and use it to identify areas for improvement.
-Identify different leadership styles and discuss the strengths and limitations of each style.
-Engage your team to deliver proactive healthy lifestyle advice.
-Apply the principles of effective change management to support your team through the process of change.
-Reflect on your own use of time and use the principles of time management to plan your time more effectively.
-Delegate tasks efficiently and effectively.
The workshop will run from 9:30am-4:00pm, with refreshments and buffet lunch provided.
Please book your places on this workshop through the CPPE website www.cppe.ac.uk, Event ID: 45257