The service level agreement that pharmacies signed to participate in the service states in section 5 'The pharmacy will provide the service in accordance with the specification (Schedule 1) and ensure that all substantive and locum pharmacists are aware of it.'
Please ensure that a copy of the service specification and service schedule are available in the pharmacy and that these documents are brought to the attention of all pharmacists. If you require a copy of the document, it can be downloaded from the Northern Pharmacy website a
The website also has a copy of the 'Frequently asked questions' document, which has been circulated previously, which you will find helpful.
In order to action a referral, there must be access to PharmOutcomes at all times during the out of hours period. If you do not want to provide locum pharmacists with their own log-in details for PharmOutcomes, you must ensure there is at least one member of staff available when the pharmacy is open during the out of hours period, who has log-in details for PharmOutcomes and knows how to use the system.
If you have any queries about the service or PharmOutcomes, please do not hesitate to contact us.