Last year was a difficult one for contractors and we faced many challenges. The changes to the NHS structure was responsible for many of these. Locally the changes made it very difficult to know who to send your claim to...and even then, the payment didn't always come in a timely manner - in fact I've heard of contractors that were having to wait sometimes 6 months for payments and the lack of new services was frustrating. Nationally, we faced an enormous strain with stock shortages and the lack of a financial settlement.
But we are where we are; a bright shiny New Year, full of hope and optimism...and perhaps this year things will be different. The recent paper sponsored by the RPS "Now or Never" helped to focus minds; and now we have a "call to action" to try and build anew pharmaceutical service fit for the future - service based and quality driven - with less emphasis on dispensing for our income stream.
So, I'd like to close this message by once again wishing you all a happy new year. Rest assured that your LPC is perfectly placed to influence and manage any changes that we might encounter; we will keep you informed via the website and newsfeed.
Best Wishes