Your LPC are pleased to announce, in collaboration with the local Public Health Team, the launch of TWO NEW pharmacy services in Gateshead. The first is a Naloxone Supply Service, which is an optional add-on for all pharmacies that provide Substance Misuse Services. The second is a brand new Alcohol IBA (Identification and Brief Advice) service. Both services will launch on the 1st April 2024 and the details are below. NALOXONE SUPPLY SERVICE Due to the increase in drug related deaths the service specification for Supervised Consumption will contain an extension to the current service, so pharmacies can supply Naloxone (as Prenoxad) to any person at risk of opiate overdose and/or their family member/carer. Training The training for the service can be accessed through ‘Addiction Professionals Educational Resources’ ( where you can sign up to the ‘Freelearn: Naloxone saves lives’ module. You can also access it via the CPPE website on the Substance Misuse module. Further information on when and how to administer the injection is available at the following resources
Funding There is a £50 set up fee for this service (plus the cost of two Naloxone (Prenoxad) kits) and an £8 fee for every supply. The initial supply must be carried out by a trained pharmacist or pharmacy technician though subsequent supplies can be made by any competently trained pharmacy team member. Claims for the service will be made through the new Naloxone Supply module in PharmOutcomes.To assist with the training of the pharmacy staff the LPC have an upcoming Substance Misuse event where one of the topics covered will be the Naloxone Supply Service (further information to follow!) For full information please click here to see the Supervised Consumption Service Specification Pharmoutcomes Initially a sign up module will be activated for you to claim your start up fee. Once this is filled in and submitted the regular module for operating the service will replace the sign up module. Contracting Contracting of this service will be through Gateshead Council. The Naloxone Supply Service is contained within the new supervised consumption spec for 2024. This will be issued as part of the councils annual contracting process. This will be started later on this morning and another LPC communication will follow shortly explaining the process. By signing up to the supervised consumption will enable you to provide the naloxone supply if you wish. (Please note it is optional within the service spec) ALCOHOL IBA The service specification for this new alcohol screening and brief advice service is available by clciking here The new service will allow competently trained pharmacy staff to screen, and where needed, offer brief advice to patients in regard to their alcohol consumption. The screening tools will be available on PharmOutcomes titled Alcohol IBA module. Training Training and learning resources recommended for provision of the service are below
Funding The initial alcohol screening audit attracts a £2.50 fee. For patients who score highly on this, the full audit will be completed and brief advice will be provided by the contractor, attracting a fee of £6.30. Where referral into a specialist service e.g. Gateshead Recovery Partnership, is required and made with the patient's permission, a further fee of £7.20 is claimable. All claims will be made through PharmOutcomes as the screening tools are worked through. Pharmoutcomes Once contracted through to provide the service a module will be switched on for you to use called Alcohol IBA Contracting Contracting of this service will be through Gateshead Council. The Alcohol IBA Serives is a completely new service and will be offered as an option during the annual contracting process. This will be started later on this morning and another LPC communication will follow shortly explaining the process.
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