There is some important information regarding contact numbers that all pharmacies need to be aware of in the area.
Any queries regarding this should be directed to Catherine Armstong at Pharmicus.
Prescriptions from the service have an office based number on them - The office number on the prescriptions is not manned for all hours that the service is operational. The mobile numbers listed below go directly to the admin staff working for the service who will be far better placed to put pharmacists in contact with GPs for any queries etc.
Extra Care - Background
The Extra Care Service offers additional routine GP and Nurse Appointments at two locations - Blaydon and Trinity Square Health Centre. The service is accessible by Gateshead practices who can book their patients directly using EMIS Web.
The service operates at the following times:
Blaydon: Monday to Friday 08:00 - 20:00. Saturday and Sunday 09:00 - 14:00
Trinity: Monday to Friday 16:00 - 20:00. Saturday and Sunday 09:00 - 14:00
Home Visiting Service
In addition, there is a home visit service that operates out of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This service is also accessible to Gateshead practices who can refer their patients directly and is available to any house bound patient with one or more long term condition. The home visiting service operates at the following times:
Monday to Friday 16:00 - 20:00. Saturday and Sunday 09:00 - 20:00
Contact Numbers
Extra Care
Blaydon: 07784056440
Trinity: 07784056441
Home Visiting Service: 07715 414057