This must be done annually. Even if a contractor provided the service in 2015/16 they must complete this sign-up process again.
Contractors need to complete this form for all their pharmacies from which the Flu Vaccination Service will be offered.
If the form is not completed before provision of the service, claims for payment will not be accepted by the NHS BSA.
The notification form is available here
Directions Published for the National Flu vaccination service
Community pharmacy contractors that fully meet the requirements for provision of the Community Pharmacy Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Advanced Service now have the go ahead to provide the service from 1st September 2016. This follows the amendment of the Secretary of State Directions. A link to the Secretary of State Directions which provide the legal basis for provision of the service is available on the PSNC website you can access it by clicking here
Influenza Service Guidance produced by PSNC can also be found by clicking here