As a result of the audit the council have introduced some adjustments to the Pharmoutcomes EHC 2018 template as well some recommendations .
These are detailed below. Please familiarise yourself with the changes and should you have any queries please contact the Sexual Health lead at the council. David Brady
([email protected]) 0191-4333 147
- If the person is aged 14–16yrs and Fraser Guidance applies, a compulsory response will now be required to indicate guidelines have been considered. For reference, a factsheet will be embedded within the supporting information section.
- If the person presenting is 13yrs or under you will not be able to record the consultation or make a supply as the service spec does not cover. A warning message will provide you with further advice on how and where to refer, this will be age dependent..
- When the consultation determines ‘no supply’, a new mandatory field will require supporting reasons.
- When the consultation determines ‘supply’ the batch number and expiry date will need to be provided. This has always been the case however now these field are mandatory an you will not be able to submit without filling this information in.
- We strongly encourage pharmacists to use the EHC template as a live service and input directly into the template during the consultation. Use of paper records is impractical due to the complex configuration of the service triage form, especially since the introduction of a second PGD. From April 2019 the service specifications will require the pharmacist to exclusively use the EHC template as a live pharmoutcomes module in the meantime the council would encourage you to start using the system in this way from now.
- To find out more about Gateshead Sexual Health service please visit They can discuss with the you the option of providing free Dual Screen (Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea) testing kits and the condom distribution scheme for young people up to the age of 25. Pharmacies will be paid a supplement for distributing testing kits when recorded in the EHC module. Please contact Dobson Dan [email protected] or call 0191 2831570 to find out more about condoms and testing kits.”