The LPC would like to remind contractors of the dead line for this years CPAF process is 1st Nov. NHS England and the NHSBSA will have been communicating with you direct about this years process. A summary is provided for your convenience below. The questionnaire does not take long to fill in. If you have not done it yet please ensure you do it ASAP. Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) 2015-16
NHS England’s local teams have responsibility for monitoring the provision of Essential and Advanced services. Arrangements for monitoring locally commissioned services may be set out in local contracts or Service Level Agreements. NHS England local teams currently use the Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) to monitor pharmacy contractors’ compliance with the terms of the community pharmacy contractual framework (CPCF). The CPAF is required to be completed yearly as a demonstration of compliance with the Community Pharmacy Contract For 2015 NHS England in partnership with PSNC have worked together to revise the CPAF process. The new process includes a short questionnaire consisting of 10 questions which all pharmacies are asked to complete. The information collected from this questionnaire along with other information held by NHSBSA will be used to identify if a pharmacy needs to be considered for a visit. Only if the pharmacy is to be considered for a visit will the second part of the process be initiated which is the full comprehensive CPAF pre visit questionnaire. For 2015/16 NHS England has requested NHS Business Services Authority to carry out the administration of both the screening questionnaire and the full CPAF at a national level on their behalf. CPAF Questionnaire To complete the CPAF questionnaire click the link below and enter your Pharmacy ODS Code into the box provided. Further guidance is provided below. Guidance You can download this guidance as a PDF document to print out or refer to on screen when you complete the questionnaire and you can also read our frequently asked questions. Enter your pharmacy ODS code carefully (it starts with an F and is entered on your prescription submission document at the end of each month) and then check the ODS code and other contact details shown in the questionnaire relate to your pharmacy. If the details shown do not relate to your pharmacy do not complete the questionnaire, please email [email protected] and they will check the details for you. The questionnaire should take about 20 minutes to complete. Please read all questions and answers carefully. Some questions may require multiple answers, so please tick all boxes that apply. You can save your response at any time by clicking the save button at the bottom of the screen in the questionnaire, so you don’t have to complete the questionnaire in one sitting. You can click on the link above again, enter your pharmacy ODS code and the responses you have previously entered will be loaded into the questionnaire. Some questions in the pharmacy information section of the questionnaire will be pre-populated (e.g. contact details). Please check these details carefully. We recommend that you print a copy of your completed questionnaire by clicking on the print button at the bottom of the final screen in the questionnaire before clicking on the submit button. Once you have submitted your completed questionnaire, a copy of the answers will automatically be emailed to the email address you provided in the pharmacy details section. If you are registered for the NHSBSA Information Services Portal you will also be able to view your responses online approximately three weeks after the closing date. If you are not registered for the NHSBSA Information Services Portal we will automatically register you with the email address you have provided.
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