Dear Colleague
You will remember undertaking an audit into NSAID use in 2014. These data have provided some really useful information, also opportunities for learning for our profession.
Please ensure that all Pharmacy staff who participated are thanked for their input and efforts.
As you know this year there will be a National Audit on the ‘Emergency Supply of Medicines’, and details will be provided in the coming weeks.
The summary data from NSAID Audit are below. As noted, these provide opportunities for learning within individual pharmacies, and perhaps more collaboratively.
This information will also be fed back to GP practices via CCG’s.
Yours sincerely
Richard Copeland
Chair, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear Local Pharmacy Network
As part of clinical governance requirements for 2013-14, 687 community pharmacies across Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne, Wear, Durham, Darlington and Tees undertook a practice audit, on GI safety of NSAIDs. The expected outcome was that patients at risk of GI bleeding were identified and referred to their GP, either to stop the NSAID or co-prescribe a PPI as gastro-protection.
8,739 patients were reviewed, with the age range reflecting the targeted group for this audit:
- 21% 45-54 years
- 26% 55-64 years
- 22% 65-74 years
- 10% 75+ years
30% patients had been receiving a NSAID regularly for >2 months, with no gastro-protection via a PPI.
13% patients referred to their GP as a result
58% patients given advice about NSAID use
The majority of pharmacists outlined an understanding of NICE guidance and the evidence underpinning the need for gastro-protection. However, there were a small amount of data entries which referenced either a lack of current GI side-effects as a reason for not referring the patient back to their GP, or that an enteric coated formulation of NSAID would offer sufficient gastro-protection.
There are two significant benefits resulting from this audit. Firstly, the data provide an opportunity for learning, highlighting an area of practice which can benefit from input by pharmacists, resulting in reduced risk to patients. Secondly, the audit process can be used to foster professional links with GP practices.
Future Audits
The audit planned for 2014-15 is being undertaken nationally, themed on emergency supply of medicines. Details will be provided once these have been confirmed.