Following on from their previous webinars the Independent Pharmacy Federation (IPF) is putting on a webinar jointly with the NHSBSA and PSNC about Prescription on the 26th February 2015.
Full Details of the Webinar and its contents are below. The event is open to all.
Prescription Payments?
Join us for a FREE webinar led jointly by experts from NHSBSA & PSNC
You Can’t Afford to Miss This
Thursday 26th February 2015
Prescription Processing - What Really Happens?
With Cath Doherty and Neil Hill from NHSBSA
& Prescription Pricing Errors and Endorsing Good Practice
With Harpreet Channa from PSNC
The team comes highly experienced
All working in the field of pricing and processing- They have the answers!
- Helping you and your staff understand processing and endorsing better.
- Giving you some quick wins on how to improve practice and potentially improve procedures.
Join this interactive webinar register by clicking here