Following the high demand for EHC training Public Health are offering an additional Emergency Hormonal Contraception training for Pharmacies wishing to offer the Service in their pharmacy. The new EHC training session will run on 11th November 2014 at the Media Centre Gateshead Unit 2B, Media Centre, Stonehills, Shields Road, Gateshead, NE10 0HW and is open to Pharmacists in Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland. The training can be used as your annual update or can be used to train you to start the service from new. The session will start at 6pm (food served) for a 6:30 start and finish 8:30. If you wish to book a place please use the form below. We are anticipating a high demand for this training so we would encourage you to book as soon as possible.
![]() The LPC have arranged a Mental Health Training evening. The evening will have 2 speakers and will cover Mental Health First Aid and Dementia. Kathryn Sumner - CBT Therapist Talking Therapies - Mental health First Aid Inspector Ken Crossley - (Missing People) Jenny Graham - Community Pharmacist & Dementia Friends Trainer This training is of benefit to all who work in pharmacies, especially the frontline staff, so we urge the whole team to attend. The training will take place on Thursday 11th September, at The Quality Hotel, Boldon, 6pm for light buffet and 6.30pm start, the training should last approx. 2hours, with an opportunity for Questions and Answers. Following attendance at the training all delegates will be awarded 'dementia friend status', if they are happy to accept this. you may have seen the National publicity around this campaign. Please book onto this session asap using the form below, as limited spaces. The LPC is holding its committee meeting just prior to this event and will be staying on for the Mental health training so it will also be an opportunity for you to meet the committee members. Below is a flyer about a training event for the whole pharmacy team. The local event in Newcastle is on Tuesday 21st October at St James Park. Strawberry Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4ST
The title of the workshop is ‘Empowering your team to strive for high standards’, a goal we are all trying to achieve. Details of how to register for the event are included on the flyer. ![]() Just a reminder that the first flu vaccination training session are next Sunday, 27th July at the Holiday Inn, Seaton Burn. Bookings can be made via the Northern Pharmacy website at The LPC is pleased to have been able to hold the price of training at the same level as last year at £75 per delegate. The commissioner is very keen to see an increase in both the number of pharmacies offering this service and the number of vaccinations provided by pharmacies. If you have not provided the service previously or trained last year but were unable to administer 50 vaccines, you will need to attend live face to face training again this year. As you need to complete the online modules before attending live training, please do not leave it too late to book your place. The online modules will require approximately two hours to complete. A number of pharmacists contacted me last year about training but did so after all of the local events had taken place. If you miss this opportunity to train, you will need to source your own training provider and most charge several hundred pounds for this course. This training will qualify you to provide both the NHS vaccination service and a private service to anyone wishing to protect themselves and their families from the effects of flu. Please book your training place as soon as possible. Click Here for original Email for your information ![]() Gateshead & South Tyneside LPC and Sunderland LPC have arranged for the NPA to put on a Drug Tariff event on in our area. The event is open to Pharmacists and Staff in both areas and aims to hep contractors to understand the drug tariff and ensure they use it correctly. Click Here to find out more and Book on. Pharmacy Update for NHS Health Checks & Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice - 8th January 201417/12/2013 ![]() First Contact Clinical in South Tyneside are holding a Training event on the 8th January 2014 for Health Checks and Brief Alcohol Intervention. This course is free to all pharmacists and pharmacy staff working for a South Tyneside, Gateshead or Sunderland based organisation. It provides you with an update to the NHS Health Checks and Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice training programs. The session will cover the following:-
The Training will be held on the 8th January 2014 at the Quality Hotel in east Boldon.The event will start at 6.30pm with Food & Drink Available from 6pm. You can book using the booking form below. Please find below a flyer about a training event open to Pharmacists in South Tyneside area.
If you are interested in attending please Washington Mind on (0191) 417 8043 or email: [email protected] ![]() A training session is being held on 19th September 2013. The session covers supporting pregnant women to quit smoking. The training will take place at The Dryden Centre, Evistones Road, Low Fell, Gateshead NE9 5UR The course starts at 2pm and finishes at 8pm. Refreshments will be provided.
Attendance is free. If you would like to reserve a place, please email or phone Barbara Bailey (Babyclear Project Administrator) Tel: 01926 490111 / 01926 490190 Fax: 01926 678698 Email: [email protected] Full Details of the training are listed below. Aim To enable participants to deliver person centred care and support that empowers and supports pregnant smokers to change their smoking behaviour and sustain the change. Objectives This course will provide participants with the skills to: • Establish a positive relationship with the pregnant smoker built on trust and agreement. • Empower the pregnant smoker to make their own decisions about quitting smoking. • Demonstrate you understand the difficulties associated with quitting smoking during pregnancy. • Explore the pregnant woman’s personal beliefs about her continued smoking, including her internal feelings and any external criticism or environmental pressures she may be experiencing. • Adopt a non-prescriptive negotiating style that supports the client’s desire to change and encourages her to consider all the issues and make positive choices. • Respond specifically and appropriately to what the pregnant woman says, utilising reflecting listening, open questioning and summarising skills to elicit self- motivational statements. • Provide confidence building messages to build up the woman’s self-esteem. Method The focus of this course will be to increase and enhance the one-to-one communication skills of the participants, through experiential learning, role play, small group discussions, sharing of case studies and team work. Agenda for day. 2pm - 2.20pm Welcome, housekeeping details, introductions of trainers and participants. 2.20pm-2.50pm Setting the context The evidence of harm, a local perspective and an introduction to the babyClear approach 2.50pm-3.30pm Understanding the problem Why do some pregnant women continue to smoke and find it hard to stop? 3.30pm-4pm Enabling behaviour change How to deliver effective messages 4pm-4.30pm Responding to Heart Sink Statements In small groups participants will work with case studies to respond to heart sink statements. 4.30pm-5pm Light Refreshments break 5pm-6pm Communications Exercise 6pm-6.15pm Carbon Monoxide Test Delivering key messages/risks of smoking 6.15pm-7pm Role play using Case Studies Case studies include initial meeting and maintaining relationships 7pm-7.15pm Risk Perception Tool and DVD 7.15pm-7.45pm Frequently Asked Questions Supervised by the trainer, participants will practice responding appropriately to a range of client statements. 7.15pm-8.00pm Questions/Course Evaluation and close of training The North East Pharmacy Forum of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society have asked us to let Pharmacists know about a respiratory update lecture they are holding on 4th July. The event details and registration can be downloaded here. For any further information please contact Catherine Armstrong on 07525 750971
Copies of our older Paper Based News Letters (The LPC News) can be found by clicking below.