South Tyneside Sexual Health Services Review - Pharmacies in ST required to fill in survey.9/6/2014 South Tyneside Council Public Health are running a sexual health services review. As part of that review they would like to survey all pharmacies in South Tyneside who provide EHC.
Click Here to access the survey which will only take a a few moments. The deadline for this survey is 18th June 2014. at 4pm. The LPC requests all pharmacies in South Tynesde fill this in asap.
![]() Gateshead Local Authority is undertaking a review of sexual health services in Gateshead to help design future services. A vital part of the review process is the Consultation Phase. The Consultation consists of 2 separate Questionnaire’s hosted on Gateshead Council’s Portal from 1st November-30th November. All the responses from the Questionnaire will be stored securely and treated in the strictest of confidence. Both Questionnaires can accessed by clicking the links below and entering responses direct. Alternatively you can download here should you want to use paper based questionnaires. Questionaire 1 - Pateints Questionaire 2 - Staff The LPC would encourage all Pharmacy contractors who provide Sexual Health Services to take part in the survey and where possible encourage users of their services to feedback also. Details of the Questionaire are as follows. 1) Patients/Service Users of Gateshead Sexual Health Services and Gateshead Residents. The Questionnaire can be accessed on ‘Gateshead Council’s Portal’ at in the current consultation section, under Sexual Heath Review. 2) Staff from Sexual Health Services and Wider Stakeholders This Quesitionaire is accessed by clicking here Gateshead Sexual Health Review Paper copies of the questionnaire’s and free post envelope are available from the council, please contact David Brady on (0191) 433 3147 or Emma Gibson 0191 (433) 2845 A ‘Stakeholder Consultation’ event is being held on Thursday 21st November, 10.00-11.30, in the Whickham Room, Gateshead Civic Centre for Staff, Provider Services and Wider Stakeholder to have their say on the future of sexual health services and to share their views on what is working well and any areas for improvement. If you would like to attend you must register with Lynne Mcmahon to confirm your place, [email protected] (0191) 433 2615. There are limited places for the event. If you would like any further information about the review, please contact Emma Gibson on 0191 433 2845. |
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