Pharmacists, historically, have always informed the prescriber if the patient has missed 3 doses - as the client will need to be seen and re-titrated by a prescriber; but Debbi Forsythe, Head of Service - Substance Misuse for First Contact Clinical in South Tyneside has asked pharmacies to let the service know on 0191 4274505 (single point of contact number) if the client has missed 2 days. This will ensure that as much can be done as possible to prevent the missing of the 3rd day...and the need for subsequent re-titration.
So in summary, If a client misses 2 days of prescribed medication, or you feel that the physical or mental wellbeing of the client is compromised then contact First Contact Clinical on 0191 4274505.
Pharmacists can and do make a difference in the care of these very vulnerable people...