We had a really helpful discussion facilitated by Mike King from the PSNC around considering the future size and shape of the LPC and you can see some of Mike's thoughts when I caught up with him afterwards. Basically we were encouraged to consider whether we would be fit-for-purpose moving forward. Options were put forward and included either merging with neighbouring LPCs to form larger entities, or closer working arrangements with shared "office facilities." The LPC exec will be meeting soon to produce recommendations. Of course, any changes will need to be approved by contractors! | Mike King (PSNC) - Future of LPC's |
David Gill (PSNC Rep) - Atorvastatin | Another topic discussed during the day was the impact that atorvastatin coming off patent will have on cash flow in pharmacies. Clearly the price of the generic will float to a price significantly lower than the brand. The DOH hopes to keep the drug tariff price in line with market forces - but will recoup any excess profit via a discount inquiry - which will be felt by contractors in jan 2014. If PSNC and DOH have got their sums right, the impact should be minimal ; if they get it wrong it will be painful! You can see more of these thoughts in the interview I had with PSNC West Yorkshire & Humber Regional Rep, David Gill. |