Save the Date: - 15th October 2019
Venue - Clarion Hotel Boldon
Time - 6.30pm (for 7pm start)
Catering - Food Provided
Booking Details - Use the form Below
Event Details
Gateshead and South Tyneside LPC are putting a contractor event on to discuss two major issues affecting community pharmacy at the moment. Primary Care Networks (PCN's) and the new deal for the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF).
Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan, with all general practices being required to be in a network by June 2019, and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) being required to commit recurrent funding to develop and maintain them. The networks will have expanded neighbourhood teams which will comprise a range of staff such as GPs, pharmacists, district nurses, community geriatricians, dementia workers and Allied Health Professionals such as physiotherapists and podiatrists/chiropodists, joined by social care and the voluntary sector’.
Under the plans, all general practices will be aligned to a PCN, covering 30,000-50,000. patients, with local Enhanced services funded by CCGs and provided through the new. network contracts. The networks will provide the structure and funding for services to be developed locally, in response to the needs of the patients they serve. It is important that community pharmacy teams are fully involved in the work of their PCN.
Hence the LPC have decided to hold a local event (Tuesday 15th October) inviting all community pharmacies within Gateshead and South Tyneside. to an evening event looking at PCN boundaries, which GP surgeries are in which PCNs and how pharmacies can support each other.
Part of the new Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework refers to Primary Care Networks as part of the Composite bundle so we would encourage all contractors to attend.
A a lot of information has now been released about the CPCF and can be accessed via the PSNC website. The PSNC have run several road shows across the country. We are hoping to have the PSNC attend our meeting to discuss the contract and take contractor questions.