Following yesterdays succesful North East Pharmacy conference on the future of Pharmacy we will shortly be putting videos of the key note speakers on our website for those who could not attend to watch.
In the mean time feedback from many of the delegaes present showed a lot of passion and a desire to do something about the current situation. Gateshead & South Tyneside LPC will be looking into what we can do further to support you however in the first instance please vist our site to find out what simple measures you can take from today in your pharmacy to support the current campaign which is being led by the NPA. For your conveneince I have replicated the steps you can take today below. Don't forget there are also resources on our website to help you with finding out who your local MP is and various sources of information including template letters that can be used. Pharamcy Campaign Steps (Clicking on each step will take you to the relevent resource)
Yesterday a debate was had in parliament about the dept of health proposlas for Pharmacy. The debate was brought by Derek Thomas MP for St Ives.
The debate was quite extensive and covered many salient points. It also showed a lot of support from MP's and demonstrates the importance for pharmacies to engage locally with their local MP's. Indeed some of colleagues accross the region were mentioned. You can watch the video below or alternatively via theparliament TV website. Don't forget to also visit our Pharmacy Future webpage to find out what you can do in your pharmacy to support the national campaign. Parliamentary Debate on Community Pharmacy Held in Westminster Hall at 2.30pm 23rd February 2016 As you will know from previous communications the DoH has announced the pharmacy cuts and subsequent ideas to change the community pharmacy landscape. Understandably this has caused much unrest and anxiety within our profession.
The LPC’s in region have worked together with the RPS North East to put on a conference in the area to allow you the opportunity to hear and discuss any issues around the new proposals with the leaders of our national bodies. These changes are so fundamental and profound that the LPC strongly urges you to attend this conference. We will have the chief executives of PSNC and CCA as well as the chairs of NPA and the RPS English Pharmacy board present. You will be able to hear what has been happening on a national level first hand as well as contribute to the discussion and perhaps influence any outcomes. You must book yourself on via the RPS booking portal as soon as possible as we believe this will be over subscribed. The conference will be held at Ramside Hall on Sunday 28th February 11am - 4.30pm. Lunch will be provided. The flyer below gives you a little more information. PSNC has today published a set of service proposals that describe how pharmacy services could develop in the future within the context of Government drives for efficiency. The proposals include the introduction of a care package, which would see repeat dispensing becoming a default option where medicines are needed on a long-term basis, patient registration at pharmacies, and pharmacies offering enhanced medicines optimisation services. Pharmacies would also offer inhaler technique checks and advice routinely, undertake targeted prescription interventions, support for patients after discharge from hospital and offer minor ailments and emergency supply services. The document comes as part of the discussions with the NHS following the 17th December open letter in which the Government announced a number of plans for community pharmacy including a £170m reduction in funding. The Government highlighted the need for efficiencies but also stated that it wanted to develop a clinically focussed community pharmacy service. The Department of Health (DH) and NHS England have no specific proposals on how to develop that clinically focussed community pharmacy service, so they invited PSNC to propose service development options for discussion. The proposals offer a possible way to develop the pharmacy service in order to meet the NHS and Government’s stated aims for patient care, and PSNC will undertake further development work on them subject to the response they receive from DH and NHS England. The proposals are set out in three phases, in recognition of the need to allow the wider NHS and community pharmacy to adopt them in a controlled manner that also allows time for other enablers, such as IT, to be put in place. You can read a summary of PSNC’s service development proposals by downloading the PDF below |
Pharmacy Future 2016