Following yesterdays succesful North East Pharmacy conference on the future of Pharmacy we will shortly be putting videos of the key note speakers on our website for those who could not attend to watch.
In the mean time feedback from many of the delegaes present showed a lot of passion and a desire to do something about the current situation. Gateshead & South Tyneside LPC will be looking into what we can do further to support you however in the first instance please vist our site to find out what simple measures you can take from today in your pharmacy to support the current campaign which is being led by the NPA. For your conveneince I have replicated the steps you can take today below. Don't forget there are also resources on our website to help you with finding out who your local MP is and various sources of information including template letters that can be used. Pharamcy Campaign Steps (Clicking on each step will take you to the relevent resource)
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Pharmacy Future 2016