you are aware the notifications of pharmacies‘ opening hours on Friday 8 May were circulated yesterday to pharmacies and interested parties. Can you please reiterate the following message to all pharmacies:
Contractors should also ensure that the pharmacy NHS website entry is correct for Friday 8th May.
We would like to request your assistance in asking pharmacies to update the DoS before tomorrow’s deadline and to remind them that all four sections of the DoS need to be updated. PSNC has also issued a similar reminder to pharmacies.
I understand some pharmacies may be having issues with accessing the DoS. I am advised that there has been a recent refresh of the Profiler URL and that pharmacies may need to clear their browsing history and cookies; as the computer may be remembering an old profile updater page. The new one should look like:
Thank you for your assistance with this.
- Contractors must update DoS themselves
- There will be no national block update of contractors' hours on DoS for the bank holiday opening on Friday 8th May, because the flexibility provided by NHSE&I means it is more appropriate for contractors to update entries.
- It is important for contractors to update their DoS entry, so that NHS 111 does not send a patient to a closed pharmacy, for example, as part of the Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS).
- Contractors can use the DoS Profile Updater to make the necessary change by the end of Wednesday 6th May 2020. If you experience a last minute change, for example, due to staff illness, meaning you cannot open, pharmacies will need to use the DoS emergency change number instead: 0300 0200 363 (as well as notifying NHSE&I).
Contractors should also ensure that the pharmacy NHS website entry is correct for Friday 8th May.
We would like to request your assistance in asking pharmacies to update the DoS before tomorrow’s deadline and to remind them that all four sections of the DoS need to be updated. PSNC has also issued a similar reminder to pharmacies.
I understand some pharmacies may be having issues with accessing the DoS. I am advised that there has been a recent refresh of the Profiler URL and that pharmacies may need to clear their browsing history and cookies; as the computer may be remembering an old profile updater page. The new one should look like:
Thank you for your assistance with this.