As another busy year draws to a close and Christmas is upon us again, I’d like to wish all the unsung heroes of the NHS – community pharmacists, and their staff - a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous 2016.
Pharmacies in Gateshead and South Tyneside are ideally placed to provide support, advice and medicines to help patients stay healthy this winter – particularly with our new minor ailment scheme – “Think Pharmacy First” I am delighted that community pharmacies have once again been involved in the delivery of flu vaccinations for all our patients. The NHS service this year has been more successful than ever. (Santa and any “at risk elves” you are responsible for, can call in at the pharmacy to receive your vaccination before you go off delivering presents all around the world! No need to spread anything else other them good cheer. So enjoy our ‘ph-estive’ LPC Christmas News and have a healthy and happy Christmas and prosperous New Year. ** Updated Christmas message in light of the DoH announcement - Click Here
Something odd (and Ph'estive) has come over our
Exec team! (Dave, Louise, Jonathan & Sami) Merry Christmas. |
1/4oz Tincture of Rhubarb 1/4oz Laudanum 1/4oz Tincture of Cayenne 1/4oz Spirits of 1/4oz Essence of Peppermint Unfortunately these days pharmacies would be unable to obtain the ingredients to try out the recipe. Our contract is convinced that she would have had a lot of repeat sales if she could!!! The nearest modern day equivalent would be Gees Linctus which is made with opium tincture. Laudanum was a 10% Opium powder and 90% alcohol it was widely used in victorian times as a pain killer but also as a sleeping draft and tranquilliser it and drank like you would drink whisky. It was also frequently given to babies to sooth them when teething |
Ingredients 1 tbsp cornflour 250ml[1 cup]250ml water, stock or drained liquid from boiling potatoes or steaming vegetables4-6 tbsp[4-6 tbsp] 4-6 tbsp juices drained from poultry or meat being roasted ¼ tsp1⁄4 tsp[1⁄4 tsp] dried mixed herbs, thyme or sage (optional) salt freshly ground black pepper Preparation method Mix the cornstarch with a small quantity of fluid (preferably cold) from the 250ml, this will ensure that the cornstarch makes a smooth paste and avoids lumps when the rest of the fluid is added. Add the rest of the 250ml of fluid to the cornstarch paste in a small saucepan, don't add the poultry juices at this stage. Add the optional herbs, the salt and freshly ground black pepper and stir well. Stirring continuously bring the gravy mix to the boil, and add the poultry juices, making sure that you don't let the gravy get lumpy or too thick. If it appears to be thickening too much then add more fluid to thin it to the consistency that you want to serve it at. Leave to simmer over a gentle heat while you sort out serving the meal, then decant the gravy into a preheated jug. If you do end up with some lumps all is not lost, simply decant the gravy through a sieve into the jug and no-one will notice, and it certainly won't affect the flavour of the gravy. |
Chestnut stuffing....
Ingredients 100g dried chestnuts (soaked in hot water overnight) 200ml homemade stock (made from giblets and onion) 1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg 25g butter pinch cayenne pepper 1 tsp grated lemon rind 2oz Gluten free breadcrumbs Preparation method Place drained chestnuts in saucepan with the stock (pop the onion in too). Bring the stock to the boil, turn down the heat and simmer the chestnuts for about 45 minutes or until they are soft. Drain the liquid into a jug for later. Whiz the chestnuts and onion in a blender or food processor with the remaining ingredients. Add just enough of the retained stock to make the stuffing moist but not soggy. Stuff the neck cavity of the bird or cook separately in a shallow, covered dish for 30-40 minutes. You could use any remaining stock in the gravy. |
Crunchy roast potatoes
Ingredients Potatoes Preparation method Peel and cut enough potatoes into chunks for each person to have 3 to 4 pieces each. Par-boil in salted water for 15 minutes until just tender. Drain and return to the pan. Place the pan back on the heat and shake vigorously for a few moments to roughen up the surface of the potatoes. Meanwhile, heat some oil in a roasting pan in the oven. Turn the potatoes into the pan and roll in the oil to coat. Return the tin to the oven and roast for 50-60 minutes. You may like to turn the potatoes over half way through roasting, to ensure they end up crispy and not soggy. |
Gluten free mince pies.....
Ingredients 125g unsalted butter, chilled and diced 200g gluten-free flour, plus a little extra for rolling 1 tbsp icing sugar grated zest 1 orange 200g gluten-free mincemeat For the crumble topping.... 25g ground almonds 25g flaked almonds pinch ground cinnamon 25g unsalted butter, melted 25g soft light brown sugar Preparation method To make the pastry, rub the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the icing sugar and orange zest. Spoon in 4 tbsp water, mixing with a knife until the dough starts to come together. Knead lightly, flatten into a disc, wrap in cling film and chill for at least 30 mins. Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. On a lightly floured work surface, roll the pastry out to a 2-3mm thickness. Using a 9-10cm fluted cutter, stamp out discs from the pastry. Re-roll any trimmings and stamp out more discs until the pastry is used up. Line two 8-hole muffin tins with the pastry discs, then fill each pastry shell with 1 heaped tsp mincemeat and spread out to smooth. Can be frozen, uncooked, in trays for up to 1 month. Combine the crumble ingredients in a small bowl, then sprinkle a little over the top of each mince pie. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for about 20 mins until the pastry is cooked and golden brown. Cool in the tins for 5 mins, then serve with brandy butter or crème fraîche. |
Christmas Pudding........
Ingredients Dry ingredients 100g/3½oz raisins 100g/3½oz currants 50g/2oz sultanas 50g/2oz prunes, chopped 50g/2oz apricots or figs, chopped 25g/¾oz fresh or dried mixed peel 50g/2oz flaked almonds or, if you cannot eat nuts, sunflower seeds 150g/5oz fresh pear, puréed in a food processor, with the skin on 1 level teaspoon each of ground ginger and cinnamon ½ level teaspoon ground mace 25g/1oz gluten-free vegetable suet Wet ingredients 2 eggs OR if you cannot eat eggs, 2 heaped tsp of wheat-free and gluten-free baking powder 150ml/5fl oz of apple or pear juice OR 100ml/3½oz apple or pear juice and 50ml/2fl oz brandy For the flour 100g/3½oz gluten-free and wheat-free flour OR 50g/2oz each of gram flour and 50g/2oz of rice flour Preparation method Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Beat the eggs (if you are using them) with the juice and brandy if you are using it and stir it into the dry mixture. Sieve the flours together with the baking powder (if you are using it instead of the eggs). Fold the flour very thoroughly into the fruit. Spoon the mixture into a pudding basin, cover with doubled greaseproof paper and tie with a string or rubber bands. Put the basin in a deep pan, pour in water to halfway up the bowl, cover the pan tightly and simmer for 4-5 hours, checking the water level periodically. Remove basin from the pot, discard the greaseproof paper and cover it with new. Allow to cool, then store in a cool larder. To serve, re-steam for 1-2 hours or reheat in a microwave for 3-5 minutes. |
Modern Day Conversions
Strong Ginger Tincture 5ml Lemon Spirit 3.5ml Capsicum Tincture 2ml Burnt Sugar Solution 5ml Sugar 900g Tartaric Acid 21g Boiling water 8 mugs approximately Put all the ingredients in a large bowl, add the water and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Bottle when cool, makes approx 2 litres. It can be drunk neat or with lemonade or as a mixer. |