Welcome to Gateshead & South Tyneside LPC’s Primary Care Network (PCNs) page
On this page you will see a list of PCNs within Gateshead and South Tyneside CCGS.
Please check the list and see which PCN that your pharmacy has been allocated to. You may notice that your pharmacy appears in multiple lists, this is because the list has been created using prescriptions numbers dispensed from the PCNs and some pharmacies get prescriptions from multiple PCNs - particularly those that lie on the border between PCNs or CCGs.
Action Required
Once you have confirmed which PCN you are in; and you’re happy with that network, please click the button below LPC know. This will also confirm that you have begun your PCN journey and are eligible to claim the quality points for this domain. (If you are disagree with the allocated lists below please let us know.)
The LPC would be grateful, whether you were at our engagement event or not, to access this information and refresh your understanding of what PCN networks are all about.
PCN Lead
You will note, that each PCN needs to appoint a lead. Having read the information, if you feel you’d like to put your name forward for election as the lead for your PCN - and so claim additional monies via the quality scheme - please click the button below to apply. If the LPC has multiple applications to be lead for a given PCN, there will be an election facilitated by the LPC. (Please note any information you submit on the Application form will be replicated to pharmacies within your PCN to aid other pharmacies to vote)
Please note, the lead for a PCN must be able to attend meeting with the PCN clinical lead and /or the board, liaise with the LPC and pharmacies within the PCN using the monies available via the quality scheme.
The LPC intends to appoint a support officer for each PCN and an overall PCN lead to co-ordinate some activities such as training events.
Find, below the PCN surgeries and pharmacies who dispense prescriptions in that PCN.
Please note the Pharmacy lists are in order of prescription volume dispensed by that PCN (To be specific the nearer the top of the list the pharmacy sits indicates the higher percentage of that PCN's Prescriptions are dispensed by that pharmacy). Should you require any further help with deciding which PCN you should be in please contact Sami (Communications Officer)