Gateshead and South Tyneside LPC is pleased to announce that we have negotiated a Flu Vaccination Voucher Service with Gateshead Council. The Service is funded by the Council and is to allow for eligible Council staff (those presenting with a Voucher) to be privately vaccinated in the pharmacy.
Please note: - This service opportunity is only available to Pharmacies in Gateshead who already hold a public health service contract with the council. If you currently do not hold a public health contract with the council you can contact the council to discuss further.
Pharmacies wishing to offer the council flu service will need to have their own private PGD in place in order to offer the service.
Each Vaccination will attract a £10 fee as per the Council’s Specification. Eligible Council staff will be advised to present in the pharmacy with a valid Council Voucher (sample below) to get their flu jab. Pharmacies are to take the Vouchers from those they vaccinate and retain them.
Pharmacies are invited to complete the Next Steps below to enter into a Contract with the Council to deliver the Service and to download, become familiar with and use the forms below to deliver the Service.
Pharmacy Next Steps
Familiarise yourself and appropriate staff with the Specification below.
Complete the Gateshead Council Flu Vaccination Contracting Opportunity process via PharmOutcomes. (This should be there now under services)
Await receipt of an award letter from the Council to confirm a Contract is in place. (A new module will then also appear on pharmoutcomes)
Ensure pharmacy staff are aware that Council staff will be presenting with Vouchers (see sample below) for vaccination.
If Council staff are eligible for the NHS service they must be vaccinated via that process as opposed to claiming via the Council, but the voucher is to be retained regardless.
If vaccinated through this scheme ensure that all claims are made through the Gateshead Flu Module on PharmOutcomes.
Multiples please note:the process differs slightly for multiples in that the Contracting Opportunity will be opened up to one appropriate person for each multiple to complete on behalf of all of their participating stores. The appropriate contacts have been emailed separately to highlight the distinction in the process. It remains of significant importance if you are a multiple that your staff that will be delivering the Service read and understand the Specification below.